Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik, aka Gabe or @CWGabriel, was among the first widely-read Internet artists to sing the praises of the Surface Pro.

To show its gratitude, Microsoft hosted Krahulik and other artists in New York for Monday's Surface 2 event and presented the creatives to the tech media for interviews.

Krahulik has just posted another great read with his impressions of the event and many enhancements found in the Surface Pro 2. It contains lots of juicy nuggets like this one:

The big question seemed to be why I don’t just use an IPad. I had to explain the concept of pressure sensitivity, my need to run programs like Photoshop, Manga Studio and also the power of a real Stylus...It has literally changed how and where I work. I’m an honest to God fanboy when it comes to the Surface and I was happy to share that passion.

Check out the full post here

Beautiful image from Gabe's web comic The Tithe, which the artist writes was mostly produced on the Surface Pro.

AuthorRick Rodriguez